Lexington Park Sedation Dentist | 5 Teeth Sensitivity Myths

Sedation Dentistry in Lexington Park, MD

20653 sedation dentistDo you suffer from regular sensitivity? Teeth sensitivity is often misunderstood, but our dental team can help you find relief. We’re here to separate the fact from fiction in sensitivity.

MYTH: People’s teeth are supposed to hurt when they bite into cold or hot foods.

Feelings of sensitivity when eating hot or cold foods should not be a typical experience. If you suffer from hypersensitivity, it can actually be a sign that something is wrong. There are many causes for hypersensitivity including cavities, older dental fillings, worn tooth enamel, gum disease, and exposed tooth roots. Dentin hypersensitivity is a common issue. A visit to our dental office can help you find relief.

MYTH: Desensitizing toothpastes are not effective in reducing teeth sensitivity.

Desensitizing toothpastes include compounds like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride. These ingredients work by preventing pain signals being transmitted between the surface of your tooth and the inside nerves. It may take several applications of the toothpaste until you will feel a noticeable difference. Prescription strength toothpastes are also an option for more severe and prolonged feelings of sensitivity. Ask our dentist to recommend a toothpaste for your needs.

MYTH: You shouldn’t drink coffee or eat ice cream if you have sensitive teeth.

You don’t have to be limited from eating or drinking your favorite foods. It is important to check with our dentist to determine the root cause of your discomfort. Based on your cause, we may recommend a prescribed toothpaste or another treatment. You should always maintain proper oral care to prevent sensitivity.

MYTH: Sensitivity never results in tooth loss.

Sensitivity may in fact be a precursor to tooth loss. Gum recession, which exposes the roots of your teeth, can cause general sensitivity among several teeth at the same time. Prolonged and untreated gum recession can lead to tooth loss. Tooth decay can also cause sensitivity. When left untreated, it may lead to an infection in the gums or jaw and risk spreading to other areas in the head or neck. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a difference in keeping your smile healthy.

MYTH: Sensitivity does not have a cure.

Depending on the cause, there are many ways to treat teeth sensitivity. Proper oral hygiene is the best way to prevent any sensitive tooth pain. If you experience sensitivity, schedule a comprehensive dental examination today.

We look forward to seeing you. Contact our team to schedule your next visit.

Lexington Park Dentist | 5 Ways Dental Implants Change Your Life

Lexington Park, MD Dentist

Solomons Island, MD DentistThe American College of Prosthodontists reports that about 178 million American adults are missing at least one tooth. Nearly 40 million have lost all of their permanent teeth.

Regardless of the cause, tooth loss can have serious consequences on your oral health, diet, speech, appearance, and self-esteem. Dental implants provide a long-term solution for tooth loss that can improve more than just your smile. Here are 5 ways dental implant restorations can change your life:

  1. Improve your speech. Missing teeth can leave gaps that cause speech impediments. Dentures can be bulky or loose, leading to discomfort, slurred words, and embarrassment. Dental implants stay secure and do not take up additional space in the mouth, so you can speak naturally.
  2. Preserve your jawbone. The roots of teeth are naturally embedded in the jawbone. When the tooth and root are missing, your jaw’s bone structure can begin to deteriorate over time. Dental implants help to preserve and strengthen the bone, as natural teeth do.
  3. Keep your teeth in place. When a tooth is lost, surrounding teeth can shift into the opening, distorting the shape of your smile and bite. Dental implants fill the gap and hold your surrounding teeth in their correct positions.
  4. Look younger. When we are in early adulthood, our teeth and jawbone work together to support our facial features. When teeth are lost, your facial skin can crease or droop near gaps. Jaw bone loss can lead to further loss of support, causing a more aged appearance. Dental implants restore your facial support and help preserve jaw bone structure.
  5. Improve your smile. Gaps in your smile can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. Dental implants look like natural teeth, restoring the beauty of your smile. Studies show that feeling good about your smile boosts your confidence and self-esteem.

To learn more about the benefits of dental implant restoration, contact our office for your consultation.

Lexington Park Doctor | Understanding Your Jaw Pain

Doctor in Lexington Park

Doctor in Lexington ParkAre you having trouble chewing or talking? If you are experiencing pain and discomfort in your jaw, we recommend coming in to our office. There are numerous possible causes of facial and jaw pain and our doctor can work with you to determine the best course of treatment.

What Causes Jaw and Facial Pain?

Pain and discomfort in your jaw can be dental related, but it can also be caused by other medical conditions. Sinus infections and arthritis are potential culprits. However, your pain could be caused by a toothache, infection, excessive grinding of your teeth, tooth decay, periodontal disease, or TMJD.

I’ve Heard of TMJ – What is it?

The jaw is connected to your skull by the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). It acts as a hinge and can be found in front of your ears. In temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD), the joint doesn’t move in the way it is supposed to. This can lead to pain or restricted jaw movements. Someone might complain about difficulty chewing, yawning, and talking. You might hear a clicking sound when your jaw moves. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research estimates that as many as 10 million Americans suffer from TMJD.

What We Can Do

If you come into our office with jaw and facial pain, we will provide you a thorough examination. Treatments can vary depending on what is determined to be the primary source of your discomfort. Periodontal treatment, root canal therapy, and tooth removal are sometimes solutions to consider. A filling may be suggested for pain caused by tooth decay. For problems resulting from arthritis or TMJD, exercises and anti-inflammatory medications may be a consideration. If you grind your teeth, a guard may be recommended to protect your teeth.

Solving Your Jaw and Facial Pain

Step one in determining a course of treatment is to determine the source of your jaw or facial pain. Talk to our doctor about the specifics surrounding your discomfort. Maintaining a schedule of regular visits to our office can help prevent future pain caused by decay or infection. Having our professional, experienced team regularly examine your mouth is one way you can stay healthy. Diagnosing jaw and facial pain can be difficult due to the number of potential causes. Our dental professionals are well prepared to effectively diagnose and treat your condition.

For more questions about jaw pain, or to schedule an appointment, contact our office.

Lexington Park Dentist | Relax and Unwind

Are you preparing for an extended dental procedure? Do you require multiple treatments in one visit? Sometimes patients have difficulty remaining still for an extended period of time during dental treatment. You may even experience stiffness in your muscles following a lengthy dental procedure. If this sounds like you, our team has a solution. Sedation dentistry can help you avoid some of these common effects of complex dental visits. Here’s what you need to know about sedation dentistry.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

At our office, we offer patients Oral Conscious Sedation, or OCS. OCS provides you with a moderate level of sedation during treatment. As the name implies, OCS is administered orally, not intravenously like some other sedation therapies. Patients who choose OCS are still able to stand, walk, and even answer questions, but remain completely relaxed during treatment.

What Can it do for Me?

OCS can provide a sense of soothing relaxation during particularly long sessions. If you have a busy schedule, you might require multiple dental treatments to be performed during a single sitting. OCS can be beneficial in these instances. In fact, patients often remark that with OCS, time passes much more quickly. If you have trouble staying still or your muscles stiffen up when you cannot move for an extended period of time, OCS can be an effective solution. OCS helps your body relax during your dental treatment and keeps muscles from becoming stiff.

Oral Conscious Sedation offers the benefit of relaxation during longer or more complex treatment sessions. If you are utilizing OCS, it is important that you have a friend or family member provide your transportation to and from your appointment. Though there are no lasting effects, you should not drive for 24 hours after treatment to ensure the sedation effects have completely diminished.

If you think you might be a candidate for OCS, talk to our friendly team. We will work with you to determine your individual needs and create a plan of action based around you.  For questions about sedation dentistry options or to schedule your visit, please contact our office.

Prince Frederick Sedation Dentist | Is Oral Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

Sedation Dentist Lexington Park

Lexington Park Sedation DentristYou have individual needs. At our practice, we understand that and pride ourselves on our ability to work with each patient on an individualized level. Sedation dentistry provides numerous benefits for different needs. When considering oral sedation dentistry, our team will take many factors into consideration including your overall health. However, if you fit into one of these groups, sedation dentistry might be the best option for you.

Dental Anxiety or Fear

Sedation dentistry can make a fearful trip to the dentist far more manageable. Each day in our office we work with patients who suffer from dental anxiety. Don’t let fear or nervousness hold you back from receiving the dental care you deserve. Contact us for more information.

Gag Reflexes

A routine dental examination can be problematic if you have an overactive gag reflex. Sedation dentistry as part of your dental treatment can be utilized in many of these cases. You will be able to relax comfortably in our office without needing to feel concerned about gagging.

Fear of Needles or IVs

Other sedation options may involve the use of needles or IVs. This can be an additional source of fear if you are anxious around needles. We use oral sedation, which does not utilize any needles or IVs.

Special Needs

Each patient has different needs. Oral sedation dentistry as part of your dental treatment can be beneficial to patients with hyperactivity or those who have difficulty remaining still. Our team is trained and experienced in working with patients with special needs. We will study your medical history before deciding on an appropriate course of action.

Oral sedation dentistry can be a welcome change for you. Don’t let fear, anxiety, or embarrassment prevent you from receiving routine dental care. We will work with you directly and evaluate your individual needs to determine if you are a candidate for oral sedation dentistry as part of your dental treatment. Know that you have options.

For more information about oral sedation dentistry as part of your dental treatment or to schedule your visit to our office, please contact us.

Lusby Sedation Dentist | Sources of Dental Anxiety

It is estimated that between 9% and 15% of Americans experience enough dental anxiety to avoid seeing their dentist. This would equate to more than 30 million people. Fears and anxieties can stem from different sources. Our team is trained and experienced in working with patients with all levels of anxiety. Please do not put off a routine dental examination over fear. We are here to help. Here are some common sources of dental anxiety, and how we can help you cope with them.

A Visit Will Be Painful

Many people fear a visit to the dentist will be painful. The overwhelming majority of patients however do not experience any pain. During a visit, your teeth will be given a thorough cleaning, and our dentist will examine your mouth and gums. X-rays may also be taken if needed. Discomfort is generally uncommon during a visit. Our team will fully communicate to you everything we are doing. There are no surprises here.

I’ve Had a Bad Experience Before

Regrettably, some patients have had a bad experience with a dentist in the past. Don’t let that stop you from keeping up with your oral health. Our team is different. We have years of experience treating patients of all ages and needs. We pride ourselves on creating a safe and positive environment for all. Our team undergoes continuous education to ensure the care you are receiving is current, relevant, safe, and comfortable.

I Feel Out of Control

Some patients experience dental anxiety because they feel they don’t have control. Our team is filled with expert doctors and hygienists who possess excellent attention to detail and communicate everything to you. For patients utilizing sedation therapy, you are still able to talk, answer questions, and even walk around. We will not put you in a situation that makes you feel helpless or uncomfortable.

The most important step in coping with dental anxiety is communication. Please share your concerns and ask any questions during your visit. Never hesitate to speak up. Our team’s goal is to provide you with high-quality dental care in a space that you are comfortable in. Your oral health is important, so don’t put it off over fear. You are not alone and you always have options.

For more questions about dental anxiety or sedation therapy please contact our office.

Sedation Dentist Lexington Park | This is the Year to Visit the Dentist

Sedation Dentist in Lusby

Sedation Dentist LusbyReceiving a regular oral health examination is crucial to your overall health. Not only do your teeth require a thorough cleaning, but your oral health can impact your overall health. Make this the year you visit our office. Do you need a partner to help you with your dental anxiety? There are options for you. Here’s what you need to know about sedation dentistry.

You Have Options

Don’t let dental anxiety prevent you from receiving the care you need. Oral conscious sedation is an option for you. Our team is trained in working with patients to provide a comfortable, safe experience for you. Oral conscious sedation is a moderate level of sedation that provides a deep relaxation. You are still able to walk, talk, or answer any questions, but you will be treated in a drowsy state. In fact, many patients tell us they don’t have a memory of the procedure. This can be a welcome change if you are anxious about a dental examination or require additional care and assistance. To receive sedation therapy, you must have assistance in transportation as you will not be allowed to drive for up to 24 hours. This ensures the sedative effects are fully diminished.

Your Oral Health Is Important

A regular dental examination provides your teeth with a complete cleaning. Plaque and tartar build-up over time and can lead to decay or infection. These can be mitigated with a visit to our office. Beyond a cleaning, a thorough oral health examination can provide an examination of your gums. Periodontal disease, or gum disease, has been linked to increasing your risk of heart attack or stroke. Allow us to be your partner in helping your overall health. Our team is trained on what to look for and will communicate their findings with you in a clear manner.

Your comfort is important to us. We love building relationships with our patients by providing a safe, comfortable environment. Don’t put off dental care for another year. You always have options. Allow our team to be a part of your support group. We are ready to work with you.

If you have any questions about sedation dentistry or would like to schedule your next appointment, please contact our office. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Sedation Dentist Prince Frederick | Overcome Dental Anxiety and Get Back Your Healthy Smile

Sedation Dentist Prince FrederickFear and anxiety can sometimes cause patients to skip or reschedule dental appointments. We don’t want the thought of dental treatment to cause you stress. If you find that you can’t stop worrying about pain, embarrassment, or loss or control when you sit down in the dental examination chair, we want you to know two very important things: You are not alone and We can help.

You are not alone. Studies show that a vast majority of people experience some amount of nervousness when going to the dentist. About 10-20% of the population, though, find that going to the dentist can cause such high levels of stress, anxiety, and fear that they avoid appointments and leave dental issues untreated for months or even longer. When this happens, these patients have increased risk of experiencing additional dental health issues and may even suffer negative effects on their overall health and self-esteem.

For most people, dental fear is caused by one of two things. First, any patient who has had previous negative dental care experiences may be overcome by worry that they will suffer the same type of problem again. Second, children are influenced through indirect experience by watching parents with dental anxiety dread, delay, or avoid dental care appointments. Whether or not this fear is ever explicitly vocalized, children will often internalize and repeat this cycle of self-reinforcing anxiety long into adulthood.

We can help. The first step to overcoming dental anxiety is to let our caring team know you have this problem. We have a variety of effective techniques to help you relax and feel comfortable and reassured during your visit. At Tidewater Dental, our whole compassionate team is happy to speak with you about all of your concerns and anxieties so you can have more control over your individual treatment plan.

We will start with a short, easy consultation and work together to ensure your progress moves at a pace that feels right to you. When you feel comfortable and safe, your body can relax more during treatment. When you’re more relaxed you receive greater benefit from anesthesia and experience quicker healing times and reduced discomfort following the treatment.

If dental anxiety has forced you to delay treatments, call Dr. Cooper at Tidewater Dental. Let our caring team show you how we can help you overcome dental anxiety and regain the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve.